Kari Noe





Honolulu, Hawai'i


University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI

B.A., Double Major: Computer Science and Animation (expected Spring, 2018)

2013 - Present

Professional Experience

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Laboratory of Advanced Visualization and Apllications (LAVA)


2016 - Present

Assist in lab related research in Data Visualization and Virtual Reality. Perform demos for visitors of the lab.

Media Tech, Gregg M. Sinclair Library


2014 - 2017

Developed and managed databases for various collection in the library. Organized and processed digital media files. Entered detailed data into databases and spreadsheets. Helped maintain data and statistics for monthly reports. Edited and encoded video using a Non Linear Editor. Embeded metadata. Streamed video. Performed special projects and other related duties as assigned.

Software Engineer, Akamai Intern, Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope


2016 - 2016

Intern Project Abstract: Remotely visualizing high resolution, image-based, data sets acquired by solar telescopes is challenging due to their multi-dimensionality and immense volume. Once fully operational, the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) is estimated to produce 10 terabytes of imaging data per day. The DKIST Data Center needs a standard tool to visualize and share their imaging data sets with interested researchers and the public. With a goal of being able to visualize and share 100% of all relevant data collected from the telescope with minimal image degradation from compression, we have created a preliminary design of a visualization tool to handle that volume. This prototype is powered by the IIPImage server compiled with the Kakadu SDK to allow for JPEG2000 support. The visualization tool itself is built upon IIPMooviewer, an HTML5-based JavaScript high resolution image streaming and zooming client. Additional features were added to IIPMooviewer to optimize it for DKIST such as allowing for the manipulation of the following parameters: wavelength, polarization, and time. By adopting the JPEG2000 standard, our prototype allows for efficient transfer rates between the server and a remote user, while providing an extensible framework for the DKIST visualization tool interface.

Awards and Honors

Spring Showcase Honorable Mention, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Undergraduate Spring Showcase, 2017

Received Engineering and Computer Sciences Honorable Mention for Undergraduate Research Oral Presentation